POLI 211 – Introduction to International Politics (Undergraduate)

Offered: Spring 2021

This course introduces undergraduate students to major topics in the subfield of International Relations, including the causes of war, political dimensions of the international economy, international organizations, and interstate cooperation to address contemporary global challenges. This course helps students navigate upper division courses in International Relations and explore the international world.

GLBL 531 – World Politics and Global Governance (MA)

Offered: Fall 2020

This is a seminar for Global Affairs Masters students. Depending on the interests of the students in each semester, the exact course content may vary.  The core content will revolve around US-China relations, and how China’s rise may impact geopolitics and global governance. Students are expected to produce an original research project on related topics by the end of the semester.

POLI 570 – Seminar in International Conflict (Graduate)

Offered: Spring 2020

This course is a seminar for graduate students in political science, primarily focusing on formal and quantitative analysis of international conflict.

POLI 575 – Game Theory (Graduate)

Offered: Fall 2020

This course is designed to teach graduate students in political science essential game theory concepts, tools, and introduce some applications of game theory in political science.


POLI 478 – Conflict and Cooperation: US – China Relations (Undergraduate)

Offered: Fall 2018

This is a research seminar in international relations that is intended to provide advanced undergraduate students with the opportunity to read and discuss U.S.-China relations in the context of international relations theories. Students are expected to read histories of China and U.S.-China relations and their analysis. By the end of the course each student will produce an original research project on related topics.